Careers week - March 7th 2022

Careers week - March 7th 2022

To start careers week we had a visit from Little City - North Somerset . The lower nest enjoyed engaging in role play and exploring different job roles including hairdresser, mechanic, café owner and supermarket to name a few. This links to the class themes 'out and about' for Wrens and 'construction city' for Nuthatches and Bramblings.

As we continue with our careers week Finches and Starlings enjoyed a session with Children's World. They met Del the delivery driver and also Barry the Builder. The students learnt about different tools, how to follow and build from a plan and learn the work of builder.
Hawks and Post 16 had a tour of Asda and got to see behind the scenes, including the warehouse and home delivery section. They enjoyed a tour of the store and all had an opportunity to learn how to scan at the till.
For more photos click here