EYFS Curriculum

“Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. Practitioners need to decide what they want children in their setting to learn, and the most effective ways to teach it. Practitioners must stimulate children’s interests, responding to each child’s emerging needs and guiding their development through warm, positive interactions coupled with secure routines for play and learning.”

“The ELGs should not be used as a curriculum or in any way to limit the wide variety of rich experiences that are crucial to child development…”

At Critchill, each pupil will have a profoundly personalised curriculum. This will be comprised of their individual strengths and needs. This will ensure that children in the EYFS at Critchill have a broad, balanced and profoundly personalised curriculum, derived from their EHCP, such as the rest of the school.

Evidence of an individual PLIM curriculum will be collated to show progress across the year. The PLIM encompasses elements of all ELG that are assessed against at the end of the reception year. Documents such as ‘Development Matters’ will be used to support planning in the EYFS to ensure breath of coverage and a wide range of opportunities for learners.

The EYFS Profile

The EYFS profile will be shared with county and Parents/Carers for each of the Early Learning Goals. This document identifies whether children are meeting expected levels of development, or if they are not yet reaching expected levels (‘emerging’). The Class Teacher will also give a personalised description of progress on each of the ELG’s for parents as part of their annual report at the end of the reception year.